Thursday, June 4, 2009


I just want my old face back. I want the face that I left up Hobblecreek Canyon on May 30th. I promise I would appreciate it more. I would appreciate every wrinkle, blemish, blackhead, scar and dinky eyelashes. But Most of all I would appreciate my nose. I would appreciate how pointy it is at the end, I would appreciate how scratchy and irritated it gets, because of allergies, this time of year. I would appreciate my cheek bones not being the colors of the rainbow. I would appreciate not looking like a prize fighter (believe me you should see the other girl). I would appreciate not looking so tired and forelorn. I would appreciate being able to run and not be worried that my left knee is going to catch or blow up or something.

But with this sad event that has happened, some really awesome things have happened.
*My bestest friend, Shauna, calmed me and soothed me through every step of this calamity.
*I am one tough woman to keep running/walking/crying/bleeding down the rest of that trail to get myself back home.
*My Mommy Rocks! She just loves me and gives me sympathy.
*My family made me look at the funny side of all of this when I looked the worst (the 2nd day, pic #2)
*I actually didn't say really naughty words when Dr. Beus put hideous objects up my nose to fix it and put it back where it belonged.
*Baylie has listened to me complain, complain, complain and COMPLAIN and she just keeps telling me "It really isn't that bad Mom".
*Heavenly Father listens to me even when I can't fully kneel down because my left knee isn't working.
*Friends! Oh my friends! They are so amazing. They have given me herbal remedies, food, frozen peas, frozen cranberries, ice, nice cool rags, sympathy, sympathy, sympathy and more sympathy. I am truly, truly blessed for people who love me.
*This silly looking really makes me look wicked tough!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Beautiful Mom

I've known you since my day of birth,(perhaps a few months more).
There's lots of nice things I could tell,(but I refuse to bore).
You're smart. You're great. You're all the best.(There's much more I could say.)
But I can only think of one. . . It's Happy Mother's Day!

Look at how beautiful my Mom is. She refuses to put a current picture up so I wanted to show you why my Dad fell in love with her. (Pretty HOT huh?)

I myself am not a big fan of Mother's Day because I don't feel like I should have all of the accolades given to me because of all the mistakes I have made with my own kids. But I am grateful for this day because I get to tell the most amazing Mom how much I adore her.

She is the most positive, knowledge seeking person who continues to always strive to keep close to the Lord. She constantly has shown all eight of her children and grandchildren and great grandchildren, that she is a true Daughter of God. She has always shown by positive example how much she loves her Heavenly Father and wants to walk in his path of righteous.

I am so happy for this day to tell my mom that she is my hero and I admire her for everything she has done and continues to do. In my eyes she is Mother of The Year every year.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Hello Lover...

I ran across this picture/recipe on the Internet. It's all I can think about today.

Monday, May 4, 2009

A Long Shot?

I really don't think it's wrong to love a Mutant...I really think I could make it work. (Honestly I really, really do) Hopefully Wolverine will see my devotion.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Some People Run in the Rain, Others Just Get Wet...

I don't care how you say it...cloudburst, precipitation, condensation, deluge, drencher, drizzle, fall, flood, flurry, heavy dew, liquid sunshine (that's a stretch), sheets, sleet, spate, spit, sprinkle, stream, sun shower, torrent, wet stuff, window washer, it's raining cats and dogs, la lluvia (Spanish) or it's a little rained the WHOLE 18 miles we ran. It never let up, we couldn't stop laughing and it was a dang good time. Good Times.

I know I posted something very similar to this last weekend, but seriously folks, you can't make this stuff up.

5 Grateful Things:
*Shauna and Khirstin
*Being tough
*Chinese food
*The Stock Show is over
*A hot shower after a really, really wet 18 miles

Cowgirl Up!

I cannot even begin to explain how proud I am of my Little Cowgirl. The 85th Utah State Jr. Livestock Show was on April 30th.
She was so scared...mostly because of Stew the Steer and his bad attitude. She didn't want to show this beast because she was afraid that he was going to plow her over or trample her into the ground.
But...she took that "Bull by the Horns", took control and paraded him round that ring like a true champ. She did it with the CUTEST most confident smile.

I truly, truly was the proudest mom there.

Baylie's Dad, Layne, is really a good Dad. He made this all possible for her so she could have such an amazing experience. Thanks Daddy Layne. Their relationship is really special.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Spring Fever

Spring is not the best of seasons.
Cold and flu are two good reasons;
wind and rain and other sorrow,
warm today and cold tomorrow.

I'm truly wondering if Spring is coming? It comes and teases us and brings us hope...but then today I looked out the window and literally saw a blizzard...

5 Grateful Things:
*Seeing Rickey today
*The hymn "I Stand All Amazed"
*My Mommy
*Baylie and her love for dance
*Sleeping in with the raining falling down outside